Igniting the Future
A standout feature of Nancy Nicholas Hall’s second floor, Ember Hall honors our community of donors in deep gratitude and celebration of what we can accomplish to improve human well-being. This beautifully designed installation features those who embody the spirit of our mission.
Ember Hall Inductees
Linda L. Ahlers
Debra Alder & Jeffery Scherer
Stephanie Gaylord Anderson & Wayne Anderson
Susan & Jim Bakke
Diane Endres Ballweg
Barbara Bankord
Wendy & Irving Benveniste
Mary, Paul & Mären Berge
Robert & Mary Binning
Janet Birch & Edward Corcoran
Blain’s Farm & Fleet
Nancy & David Borghesi
Virginia “Terry” Boyd
Nancy & Robert Bruce
The Chipstone Foundation
Bridget & James Coffing
Leola Culver
Jennifer Griesberg Cyra & Edward Cyra
Ann Schottenstein Deshe & Ari Deshe
The Diamond Center
Julia & Jeffrey Diermeier
Gracia & Walter Drew
Wade & Beverly Fetzer
Linda & Russell Forbess
Peter & Tracy Gaslow Family
Marlene Hartzman
Bobette & Lynn Heller
Su Hilty
Hy-Vee, Inc.
John Jackson
Kohl’s Department Stores
Lands’ End
Sandy & Jun Lee
Liz & Eric Lefkofsky
Jeffrey Levy
Phillip Levy
William Linton
Dorothy Hodgskiss Luening & Robert Luening
Lynn & Gary Mecklenburg
Ellen Hefty Meister
Thomas J. Moran
Morton Family – Walter, Rosalie, Jane, and Stephen
Lorna & William Nagler
James Nelson & Nancy Ballsrud
Nancy & Albert “Ab” Nicholas
Phyllis & James Northway
Dorothy O’Brien & Richard Antoine
Rumi & James O’Brien
Oscar Rennebohm Foundation
Kathryn Richardson
Christine Ibe Rotsch
In memory of Theresa Nagy Sandor & Joseph Sandor, Sr.
Elizabeth & Mark Schar
Mary Sue & Michael Shannon
Margaret Grace Shields
Jean Skaret & William Doten, Jr.
Catharine “Kitty” McGinnis Smith
Sharon Stark
The Strohmaier Family
Jane & Patrick Thiele
UW Credit Union
Sandra & Jack Winder
Join us
We invite individuals, families, foundations, corporations, and others to join us in celebrating the power of philanthropy in Ember Hall. To learn more about this recognition opportunity or to honor someone in Ember Hall, please contact Claire Mezick, Senior Director of Development, at 608-572-3310 or Claire.Mezick@supportuw.org.