Newly published research briefs from the Kerr Parent Lab in the School of Human Ecology detail the challenges and opportunities to mental health and well-being that parents have found as they navigate the COVID-19 pandemic with their families.
SoHE News: Aug 21–27
Sarmadi and Kurutz featured in UW News for cross-campus mask development project, new Angus show featured in Art & Object, Sarmadi discusses neck gaiters’ filtration against COVID-19, Gaddis featured in Edge Effects podcast, and more.
Human Ecology MS Grads Assess Mindfulness App, COVID-19 Adaptations
Three Human Ecology Applied Master’s students graduated this summer, their capstone projects investigating childcare and child services COVID-19 adaptations and the effectiveness of a meditation app for young people.
SoHE News: Aug 7–13
Mace wins award, Whelan discusses marriage and birth rate trends, Carter’s material culture take on “The Goonies,” Raison to present on depression and the pandemic, and more.
SoHE News: Jul 31–Aug 6
Kirkorian presents in the Pediatric Grand Rounds, Wong discusses eco-conscious and frugal consumer trends, Addo joins the Urban Institute on student debt in the pandemic, Gaddis publishes on South Korea’s school lunch program, and more.
MORE Initiative Offers Free Pandemic Financial Planning Tools
The Money, Relationships, and Equality Initiative at SoHE, led by Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Fenaba Addo, has published three new resources to help people and their pocketbooks weather the pandemic.
SoHE Reopening Plan for Fall 2020
Following UW–Madison’s newly released, more detailed guidance under its Smart Restart plan for the coming semester, SoHE leadership share Human Ecology’s own school-specific safeguards.
SoHE News: July 17–23
Addo named to Lumina Foundation’s student borrowers of color working group, Bea publishes on gendered earnings differences after parenthood, Duncan offers mindfulness strategies for patient parenting, and more.
SoHE News: July 10-July 16
Halpern-Meekin discusses pandemic poverty implications with 1050 Bascom podcast, Collins joins Yahoo! Finance on retirement savings disparities in America, CommNS to host annual fundraising conference online in brief, Whelan offers work-from-home tips on WPR, and more.
SoHE News: June 26-July 9
CDMC gallery exhibitions now available online, Kerr TV interview on parenting stresses under COVID-19, Ponto wins data science research grant from American Family Insurance, new food security mapping tool from Bartfeld featured in Mid-West Farm Report, and more.