Wave 4 of the first scientific, longitudinal study of young adults’ changing financial knowledge and practices was released in May 2017. The APLUS (Arizona Pathways to Life Success for University Students) project culminates eight years …
Dean Shim
SoHE’s Design Thinking Initiative Drives UW’s First Leadership Circle for Innovation
For the past several years, the UW-Madison School of Human Ecology (SoHE) has been campus’ active driver of design thinking, a problem-solving and idea generating process used by organizations and corporations worldwide to solve complex …
SoHE Hits the Big-Ten Airwaves
According to Merriam-Webster “to hit the airwaves” is to be “broadcast for the first time” — this 60-second spot starts running next week on the Big Ten Network, featuring our own Dean Soyeon Shim and Textiles and …