Robb, Wong, and O’Brien lend insights on Black Friday 2020; Angus & Fairbanks featured in new international show; new research from Huambachano, DiPrete Brown, Gaddis, Horowitz, Bea, Raison, and Hartley; and more.
food assistance
SoHE News & Events: Oct 11–17
Celebrating Wisconsin’s first Indigeneous Peoples Day | SoHE student founds group to diversify design industry | Shim examines impacts of student debt | Bartfeld finds free school meals improves elementary attendance | Two SoHE artists at MMoCA Triennial show, opening Friday | Jennifer Angus show now open | Food politics panel, including Gaddis, at Wisconsin Book Festival
Help Spread the Word about Food Assistance for Students
The semester is winding down, but there’s no need to run on empty. There are several campus resources to help students stay fueled, from surplus dining hall meals and pantries to food assistance programs. Spread …