The deadline for submitting an application to the Fall Research Competition is September 11. The William T. Grant Foundation Institutional Challenge Grant deadline is September 10. Compeer Financial offers a small grant through its Rural Feasibility Study Grant Program, with applications accepted on a rolling basis.
funding opportunity
Research Funding Opportunities
Applications to the VCRGE Fall Research Competition are due September 11, 2020. The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts invites applications to Production and Presentation or R&D projects, due September 15, 2020. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Healthy Eating Research Program invites applications for research on reducing sugar-sweetened beverage (SSBs) consumption and increasing safe drinking water access in children ages 0-5, due September 16, 2020. Early notice of NIH R01 opportunity PAR-20-238: Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health, due May 17, 2021. Final reminder of the August 27 IRB session about the impacts of COVID-19 on research, with discussion about remote consenting, what to report to the IRB, and more.
Research funding opportunities, news, and info
Last call to submit a SoHE Course Release Incentive application, due August 15. The VCRGE announced Fall Research Competition applications are now available, due September 11. A reminder of the August 27th IRB session on conducting research during the COVID-19 pandemic. Check out this week’s Research at UW newsletter for campus research news, and continue to refer to Phase 2 Return to Research guidelines for on-campus research activities.
Research Funding Opportunities, News & Info
This week’s funding opportunities include the SoHE Course Release Incentive funding, for spring 2021 course release to develop extramural research proposals, due August 15. The WI Partnership Program at UW SMPH invites applicants to its Collaborative Health Sciences Program, pre-applications due September 1. The Alliant Energy Center Foundation invites applications to its Community Small Grants program, due September 1.
The UW HS IRB is offering a session on August 27 about how to handle COVID-19 impacts to human subjects research. The NIH announced a workshop on September 2 on Inclusion Across the Lifespan (IAL), directed toward researchers working with geriatric or pediatric populations. The NIH fall seminar on program funding and grants administration will be held October 26-30.
SoHE Return to Research resources are now posted online, including guidance documents, FAQs, and commonly-sought links to campus resources.
Research Funding Opportunities, News & Info
The Institute for Research in the Humanities (IRH) at UW-Madison invites applications for two upcoming opportunities: resident fellowships and fellowships in race, ethnicity, and indigeneity scholarship. Applications are due Thursday October 1, 2020. The Russell Sage Foundation, in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, invites applications by assistant and associate professors for its pipeline program on economic mobility research and scholarship. The updated RFP will be released in August, with applications due November 4, 2020.
Research Funding Opportunities, News & Info
A reminder of the Russell Sage Foundation’s priorities for the upcoming LOI deadline, August 5. The USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Foundational and Applied Science Program RFA for FY21 and FY22 has been released, with varying due dates in Spring 2021. Be sure to check the campus Research Reboot website regularly for requirements and guidance for researchers and students returning to research or those wishing to access campus libraries.
Research Funding Opportunities, News & Info
UW has opened its internal competition for National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Stipends, due September 9. The William T. Grant Foundation Institutional Challenge Grant program invites applications for building research-practice partnerships to reduce inequality in youth, due September 10. The NIH invites proposals related to health disparity due to COVID-19, due August 28. News items: UW-Madison Return to Research information is being updated continuously – as a reminder, all on-campus or in-person research activities require prior approval… and more!
Research Funding Opportunities, News & Info
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Systems for Action (S4A) program invites supplements for COVID-19 systems alignment research, LOI due July 20. The William T. Grant Foundation invites Letters of Inquiry (LOI) for its Reducing Inequality program, due August 4. The UW-Madison Prevention Research Center invites small-scale, innovative research projects in wellbeing, health equity, and disease prevention, due August 17. Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station (WAES) has released its call for Hatch proposals, due September 14. In research news, RSP has updated several resources related to International Research Collaborations (IRC) and has posted changes related to the flexibilities due to COVID-19 pandemic that were previously granted to federal awarding agencies by the the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). NIH now requires all Supplement applications to be submitted electronically.
Research Funding Opportunities, News & Info
Funding opportunities this week include from the Russell Sage Foundation, whose next cycle is dedicated to covid-19 impacts and systemic racial inequality and mass protests – LOI are due August 5. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation invites applications to its Evidence for Action program on gender equity from around the globe – due August 26. NIH has two opportunities: R01 applications studying community interventions and covid-19 impacts on health disparity are due August 28; and an extended deadline for R21 and R01 proposals for research to improve Native American health, with a new due date of August 14. In professional development, the NIH Regional Seminar will be held in Nashville, TN in October and registration is now open. This is a great seminar for new investigators interested in NIH programs and funding.
Research Funding Opportunities, News & Info
Funding opportunities this week include Alliant Energy Foundation Community Grants, due September 1; WI Humanities Council Major Grants, due August 15; Nathan Cummings Fellowship Program, due September 1; NSF Social Psychology program, due July 15 and again January 15, 2021; NIH mid-career development opportunities (K18), due March 2021. In NIH news, the High-Risk, High-Reward Program has a series of informational webinars for potential applicants.