SoHE PIs will examine the relationship between minimum wage policies and low-income families’ access to financial services, and how COVID-19 affected essential immigrant workers.
For Researchers: COVID-19 resources and SoHE research news
Updates under COVID-19 health and safety measures. News and updates on SoHE internal research funding awards for faculty: Fall 2020 Course Release Incentive Funds and Research Centers Discretionary Research funding.
Research Funding Opportunities, News & Info
See new resources for impacts on research due to COVID-19. Applications for mentored scholars are invited by the NIH program in SMPH, Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’ Health. The Russell Sage Foundation invites applications to its visiting scholars program. USDA-NIFA has released its call inviting pre- and post-doctoral fellowship applications, including food-related research projects. News items out of NIH include an upcoming NIH-wide strategic plan feedback webinar and updates to NIH’s Continuous Submission Policy.