SoHE News & Events: Dec 13–19

3D VR shopping’s impact on consumer decision-making | New research on bipolar depression treatment | O’Brien on the shortened holiday season and door-buster deals’ legality | Gaddis interviewed in Cap Times

SoHE News & Events: Dec 6–12

Gaddis op-ed in Washington Post shared by Bernie Sanders | Sarmadi discusses Pantone’s “Classic Blue” | Flanagan on youth environmental engagement | New research from Huambachano | Wright reviews Chazen show | Mace profile featured in Tone Madison | Micro-podcast on “digital parenting” | Whelan hosts a “Dinner On Wisconsin”

SoHE News & Events: Oct 25–31

CSCS grad student Erin Bailey on NBC discussing racial disparities in healthcare | New research on Down syndrome-dementia link from Hartley | New research from Litzelman on caregiver use of social resources | Blumenstock and Papp on young adult relationship and sexual satisfaction | Raison’s Usona study begins recruiting patients | Fairbanks noted in Wisconsin Triennial review

Q&A with Visiting Scholar Stefanos Mastrotheodoros

Stefanos Mastrotheodoros is a visiting scholar from the Utrecht Centre for Child and Adolescent Studies at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands. He is spending spring 2019 working with Dr. Lauren Papp in the Center for …

HDFS Grad Student Etta Joins Bouchet Society

Congratulations are in order for Roxanne Etta, graduate student in Human Development and Family Studies for induction into the prestigious Edward Alexander Bouchet Graduate Honor Society. The Bouchet Society recognizes outstanding scholarly achievement and promotes …

SoHE News and Events: June 22-28

Students travel to China | Bennett’s artist-in-residence | Kirkorian research feature | Collins is “Big” of the year | APLUS research coverage | Kerr on “dad brains” Consumer Science’s Dr. Nancy Murray and Students in …