The UW–Madison Institute for Clinical and Translational Research has awarded a Clinical & Community Outcomes Research Pilot Award to a new project by Drs. Alvin Thomas and Tova Walsh, in collaboration with the Milwaukee-based African American Breastfeeding Network, to explore opportunities for Black fathers to support positive maternal child health outcomes.
SoHE News: Mar 19–Apr 1
New research from Drs. Harvey, Dodge Francis, and Papp; HDFS PhD student Tia Murray on the role of doulas in addressing the racial inequities in Madison-area maternal and child health; Whelan on pandemic parenting on The Today Show; Gaddis on school lunch in The Conversation; and more.
SoHE News: Nov 20–Dec 3
Robb, Wong, and O’Brien lend insights on Black Friday 2020; Angus & Fairbanks featured in new international show; new research from Huambachano, DiPrete Brown, Gaddis, Horowitz, Bea, Raison, and Hartley; and more.
SoHE News: Oct 2–8
Collins in Reuters on pandemic spending, Kerr on WPR on parent well-being, Raison in a new film on narrative-based healing, CommNS annual event next week, and more.
SoHE News: Sep 25–Oct 1
Kerr recommends “relational savoring” for parents on NBC 26, Raison joins WPR to talk psilocybin treatments for MDD, Wong publishes new paper on savings automation, and more.
SoHE News: Sep 11–17
Addo featured in MarketWatch, Raison on psychedelics’ “narrative intervention” therapeutic promise, Hartley on autism and bullying, CommNS’ Washington Mandela fellows event today, and more.
New Research: The Highs and Lows of Parenting in a Pandemic
Newly published research briefs from the Kerr Parent Lab in the School of Human Ecology detail the challenges and opportunities to mental health and well-being that parents have found as they navigate the COVID-19 pandemic with their families.
SoHE News: July 17–23
Addo named to Lumina Foundation’s student borrowers of color working group, Bea publishes on gendered earnings differences after parenthood, Duncan offers mindfulness strategies for patient parenting, and more.