SoHE News: Sep 25–Oct 1

Kerr recommends “relational savoring” for parents on NBC 26, Raison joins WPR to talk psilocybin treatments for MDD, Wong publishes new paper on savings automation, and more.

SoHE News & Events: Feb 14–20

Readers respond to Gaddis op-ed | Fairbanks residency at Villa Terrace | Raison discusses inflammation, psychedelics, and depression with two podcasts | Badger$ense advises on how to read a job offer | New research from CSCS grad student with Morgridge colleagues

SoHE News & Events: Nov 22–27

SoHE-led research for families affected by incarceration featured by Institute for Research on Poverty | Fairbanks launches Hello! Loom | Call for posters opens for CCFW 2020 conference | Q&A with Jen Gaddis in FERN’s Ag Insider and WORT Radio | Sarmadi’s research informs proposed legislation in PA | Psilocybin research by Raison gets key approval from FDA

SoHE News & Events: November 1-7

Raison’s research featured in Vice | Keeler on the 1950s erasure of Indian Country | Sarmadi to discuss sustainable plastics at Chazen | Angus talks insect art on podcast | New SoHE faculty member Alvin Thomas featured by UW

SoHE News & Events: Oct 25–31

CSCS grad student Erin Bailey on NBC discussing racial disparities in healthcare | New research on Down syndrome-dementia link from Hartley | New research from Litzelman on caregiver use of social resources | Blumenstock and Papp on young adult relationship and sexual satisfaction | Raison’s Usona study begins recruiting patients | Fairbanks noted in Wisconsin Triennial review