Harvey on alternative financial services in times of crisis, Addo on compounded financial pressures for Black Americans, Hartley on the Alzheimers-Down Syndrome link, Kirkorian on screentime for young children, Ponto on emerging tech trends, and more.
SoHE News & Events: Mar 13–26
SoHE and Extension experts advise on family finances in COVID-19 crisis | DiPrete Brown promotes COVID-19 survey for Wisconsin | Whelan shares tips for mental health under safer-at-home guidance | Keeler profiled in Badger Insider | Addo on the value of a writing community | Shim APLUS research featured on PsychCentral | Outside Magazine highlights Raison’s heat therapy research | Badger$ense covers credit scores for Badger Herald | CFS research cited in Motley Fool | Hartley on parent-child relationships in families with children on the autism spectrum | Shim on young adults’ relationship choices and financial resources | Hilgendorf and Moore on collaborative health equity evaluation models | Ahrens on multiple internships for college students
Understanding Poverty: Getting Beyond Just Dollars and Cents
A new book by SoHE professor Sarah Halpern-Meekin proposes the idea of “social poverty” as a key factor in people’s well-being and decisions.
SoHE and the Study of HAPPINESS
HAPPINESS is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions. — Dalai Lama In 2011, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution declaring the pursuit of happiness “a fundamental human goal” and urging countries to …
APLUS Project: Research on Young Adult Maturity & Growth
Wave 4 of the first scientific, longitudinal study of young adults’ changing financial knowledge and practices was released in May 2017. The APLUS (Arizona Pathways to Life Success for University Students) project culminates eight years …