Q&A with Hello! Loom Creator and Design Studies Professor Marianne Fairbanks

Image: Hello! Loom example weaving, multi-color, in process. Marianne Fairbanks is a textile artist and assistant professor of Design Studies in the School of Human Ecology at UW–Madison, which offers undergraduate degrees in Textiles and …

Textile Tuesday: Silk Dress, Part 2

Dress, United States of America, 1940-1949, silk, 58”x36” Last week’s Textile Tuesday examined the history and provenance of a silk dress in the HLATC collection; this week, a different student examines the same dress from …

Textile Tuesday: Mexican Blanket

Blanket, Mexico, 1930-1939, wool. April Hoh-Alfaro is completing her undergraduate degree in Textiles and Fashion Design in the School of Human Ecology; she has also worked as an intern in the Helen Louise Allen Textile …

Textile Tuesday: Metamorphosis

Dress, Carolyn Kallenborn, 1994, US, 65×18 in By Jessica Inman, a student in Retailing and Consumer Behavior in the School of Human Ecology. When looking at the Hellen Allen Louise Textile collection online, I was …