Badger$ense is designed to equip students with practical, hands-on knowledge in financial literacy. Our team of coaches foster financial knowledge and decision making to empower students to make informed decisions throughout their lives and promote financial well-being.
Enhance your financial knowledge
For groups and organizations:
Financial education workshops
One-time workshops are available for students and groups across UW–Madison campus. Topics may include:
- Budgeting and spending plans
- Credit cards and credit scores
- Investments
- Employer-sponsored benefits
Workshops are interactive and can be tailored based on your group’s needs. They typically run 50 to 90 minutes.
For individual students:
Peer financial coaching
Meet one-on-one with a peer financial coach to discuss topics of your choice, such as:
- Budgeting and spending plans
- Debt and credit management
- Investing for your future
- Employer-sponsored benefits
Appointments are confidential and individualized. Fill out our Google intake form and we will email you to schedule an appointment.
Become a financial coach
Call for Personal Finance majors
Become a Badger$ense peer financial coach! Gain hands-on experience in financial coaching, professional communication and financial education. Meet individually with fellow students and teach lifelong personal finance concepts to promote financial wellness across campus.
Faculty/Staff leadership
Lindsay DritsasInstructor and Teaching Administrator of Personal Finance