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Giving SoHE Students Career Ready Coursework

For the past few years, our Advising & Career Center has been hard at work on new ways to help prepare students for careers post-graduation, including enhancements to core coursework. Three students who have completed the new curriculum requirements share how the School of Human Ecology is helping them reach their dream careers.
Meet the Students

Karly Keller HeadshotKarly Keller is a Personal Finance Senior who interned in Spring 2019 with Bronfman Rothschild in Madison.


Lindsay Schoff HeadshotLindsay Schoff is a Human Development and Family Studies Senior who completed a 2018 SoHE-sponsored internship with The Playing Field early learning center in Madison.


Carly Siewert HeadshotCarly Siewert is a Community and Nonprofit Leadership Senior who has completed two senior-year internships: one with the USA Ultimate in Colorado Springs, CO, and one with SoHE’s Center for Design and Material Culture.

Their thoughts on the Industry Leadership Symposiums

This new course introduces students to various careers and work-related trends through a series of talks by working professionals ind industry leaders.

Carly: This class helped me feel more comfortable approaching professionals and asking them about their careers, while expanding my professional network.

Lindsay: It was overall a great experience and gave me insight into the variety of ways someone could use a Human Ecology degree, which is a question HDFS majors get asked a lot.

And, InterHE 202: SoHE Career and Leadership Development

An online, deep dive into job-seeking techniques and personal skills assessments.

Karly: InterHE 202 helped me improve my time management skills, my resume, and my cover letter.

Carly: While going through it, it seemed like a lot of work, but I’ve never been in such a constructive space towards figuring out who I am, inside and outside of the workplace.

For-Credit Internship Experiences

Real-world learning, with a growing number of SoHE placements being paid or supported by scholarships thanks to industry partners and donors. In addition, Dean Shim has committed $400,000 over the next five years to further expand these scholarships and paid opportunities.

Lindsay: I have absolutely loved my internship. It has given me an opportunity to work with a diverse population – something that has never really been an option for me growing up.

Karly: It has been a great learning experience in the financial industry and overall business etiquette. This internship has confirmed my goal of pursuing a financial advisor role after graduation.