Exterior of Nancy Nicholas Hall in the evening, with lamps and windows glowing.
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Emerita Professor Bogenschneider wins award in Family Science

Karen Bogenschneider, Rothermel-Bascom Professor Emeritus of Human Ecology, was awarded the 2021 Wiley Prize in Family Science: The Alexis Walker Award. One of her recent papers was selected as the best family science paper published in 2019 and 2020. “Realizing the Promise of Research in Policymaking: Theoretical Guidance Grounded in Policymaker Perspectives” was published in the Journal of Family Theory and Review with coauthors Thomas Corbett and HDFS graduate Emily Parrott. The paper presents a theoretical framework for explaining why research is underutilized in policymaking, and what it will take to connect researchers and policymakers in a more productive relationship.


Professor Bogenschneider and Tom Corbett expand on the theory in the recently released 2nd edition of Evidence-Based Policymaking: Envisioning a New Era of Theory, Research, and Practice.
