100 Women Wall of Honor
About100 Women Wall of Honor

Florence Fox Below

When Florence Fox Below (1902-1977) (BA 1924) attended UW-Madison, plans for a Memorial Union were still on the drawing boards and the School’s tea room provided practical training in institutional management to Home Economics students. Florence Below treasured her years on campus and was “a good strong badger alum,” according to her daughter Bev Fetzer. “She met my father, Martin Paul Below, there, and my parents just loved Madison.” Bev designated a gift to recognize her mother’s memory as part of the School’s 100 Women Campaign and support the School’s renovation and expansion. “She was a wonderful woman and very unselfish in her giving,” Bev said of her mother. “She gave to her family, community and church. She impacted my life so much and was just such an unselfish person. I’m fortunate to be able to honor her memory.” Bev called the 100 Women Campaign “a perfect fit” with her mother’s memory.