100 Women Wall of Honor
About100 Women Wall of Honor

Helen Fuller Taylor

Helen Fuller Taylor (1918-2004) (BS 1942 Home Economics) started her path in higher education at Carroll College before transferring to UW-Madison. She fondly remembered her advisor, Hazel Manning, who was so helpful to Helen as she adjusted to the university. Helen’s interests at the school related to textiles and clothing, pursuing a career as a buyer. She was one of the first students to live in the school’s Home Management House, and years later recalled how the experience taught her skills she used the rest of her life. “My mom died last year and we were trying to think of something to do that would be significant to remember her by,” said Nancy Borghesi (BA 1969 Economics) after making her 100 Women gift to support the Human Ecology building campaign. “This seemed to be the right thing to do and the perfect time to do it.” The idea of singling out 100 Women was very appealing to Nancy in honoring her mother. “It’s significant, and it’s a visual recognition and reminder of their legacy.”