100 Women Wall of Honor
About100 Women Wall of Honor

Helen Hildebrandt Shannon

Upon entering college, Helen Josephine “Jo” (Hildebrandt) Shannon (BS 1949 Home Economics) registered with a nursing major but switched after deciding she would use home economics more in her life. After graduation, she taught home economics prior to marrying Arthur Shannon (BBA 1950) and raising their four children. Always the seamstress, she created her own wedding dress, with careful details that would later amaze her grandchildren. Jo Shannon was active with the Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority, women’s and bridge clubs, church, and Girl Scouts. Sixty-plus years after graduation, she continued to meet regularly with a group of Wauwatosa high school chums who had attended the School together. Her mother, Rhoda Koch Hildebrandt, and daughter-in-law, Mary Sue Shannon, are also 100 Women honorees—three generations of SoHE women!