100 Women Wall of Honor
About100 Women Wall of Honor

Jane Davies Holloway

Helping people and treating everyone with respect and compassion is the legacy Jane Davies Holloway (1923-2013) (BS 1945 Home Economics Education) gave her family and all those whose lives she touched as a homemaker, county home economics extension agent, teacher, 4-H leader and community volunteer. As the sixth of seven children, Jane learned the importance of family from grandparents, aunts and uncles. Keeping family at the heart of everything she did, Jane set an example for her four children, nurturing their talents while continuing to use her expertise in interior design and home furnishings as an instructor at the Gateway Technical College in Kenosha. Jane and her sister, Elizabeth C. Davies (BS 1938 Home Economics Education), proudly called themselves home economists. Their dedication to children and the well-being of Wisconsin families inspired Elizabeth Holloway Schar (BS 1975 Home Economics Journalism) and her husband, Mark Schar, to establish the Elizabeth C. Davies Chair in Child & Family Well-Being and to confer on Jane the 100 Women recognition she so richly deserved.