100 Women Wall of Honor
About100 Women Wall of Honor

Jane Graff

Jane Graff (1927-2008) was a longtime member of the Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection’s Fundraising Committee. She traced her love of decorative textiles to her mother, Irma Camp Graff, who studied design in New York City and enjoyed a long friendship with designer Mariska Karasz, a Hungarian immigrant who became a noted fashion designer and artist. One of Jane’s treasured items was a Karasz-designed, embroidered jacket from her mother. After graduation in applied art from Iowa State College, Jane worked in the interior design bureau of the Armstrong Cork Company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She completed a master’s degree in art at UCLA and worked as an extension specialist in Home Furnishings at Michigan State. In 1959, she moved to Madison and for 32 years served as faculty, providing program support to county extension faculty. She employed newsletters, fact sheets, radio, television and other media to reach audiences throughout the state. In the 1970s, she developed resources on historic quilts, designed textiles, and taught textile design and printing at workshops for 4-H leaders. “There are some gorgeous things in the textile collection from many centuries, countries and ethnic groups,” Jane observed. Thanks to Jane’s 100 Women gift, the long-term care of these treasures can be enhanced through the work of the Jane Graff Textile Research Assistant.