100 Women Wall of Honor
About100 Women Wall of Honor

Julia M. Diermeier

Julia M. Diermeier believes interventions based on research are the best hope for stopping human trafficking and restoring the lives of those victimized by this social travesty. Having first witnessed the sexual exploitation of women and children while traveling in Southeast Asia and then becoming aware of the alarming number of victims globally and even near her local communities in Florida and Illinois, she made the decision to support local to global programs addressing gender-based violence. Inspired by the work of UW-Madison faculty, Julia along with her husband, Jeffrey J. Diermeier (BBA 1974; MBA 1975 Finance, Investment & Banking), established the Julia Diermeier Social Transformations Fund as the first champions of STREETS (Social Transformations to End Exploitation and Trafficking for Sex), a coordinated campus project with a local and global perspective. Their investment also was one of the first for the campus-wide 4W Initiative (For Women and Well-Being in Wisconsin and the World), with its stated vision of making the lives of women better so as to make the world better for all.