100 Women Wall of Honor
About100 Women Wall of Honor

Linda S. Dicks

Linda Dicks (MS 1985 Accounting) served as the School of Human Ecology’s associate dean of administration and chief financial officer for 14 years until her retirement in 2013. Under the leadership of Dean Robin Douthitt, Linda’s service set the stage for the campaign to build Nancy Nicholas Hall. “It was my good fortune to be part of her administration as she secured the future of the school.”

Before joining SoHE, Linda worked in UW-Madison’s Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration. She is a certified public accountant and served twice on the board of the Wisconsin Institute of Certified Public Accountants, including as president.

Initially appointed to a committee for SoHE’s Preschool Lab, Linda later provided direct administrative oversight of the lab – a responsibility she cherished. “It became my passion as I learned about early childhood education and this nationally recognized program.” A strong advocate for and friend of the school, Linda’s leadership gift fittingly launched the 100 Women Chair in Human Ecology collaborative campaign.