A lifelong educator, Marjorie Swanson Briskey (BS 1953 Home Economics; MS 1962) worked around the globe. After marriage to Ernest Briskey (1931-2006) (BS 1952 Biochemistry; PhD 1958), she worked in business and research in Denmark while Ernest continued research begun at UW-Madison. On their return to Madison, Marj taught nutrition at the School and supervised student teachers. The Briskeys later moved to Thailand, where Marj taught home economics and advised the International Human Assistance Project. In 1987 they headed to Kuwait, where she taught science, reading, and social studies. The couple returned to the United States in 1998. Marj served nine years on the School of Human Ecology’s Board of Visitors. Marj and Ernest’s generous gifts to the School include the Ernest J. and Marjorie S. Human Ecology Fund.