It could be said that Mora Himel Lincoln (1909-2013) (BS 1943 Related Art) earned a Master’s of Finance degree at the kitchen table. She studied the stock market, researched companies to thoroughly understand their business practices, and astutely timed her investments to rival the most successful stockbrokers. Along with her husband, Garrison (1906-1995) (BPH 1929 Zoology; MPH 1932 Sociology), they designed and built their home overlooking Lake Monona. True to her Related Art background, Mora nourished her artistic talents by continually experimenting with textile techniques and materials. She remained an eager student long after completing her degree, taking weaving and embroidery classes taught by Professor Helen Allen. In her later years, Mora was a generous benefactor of the Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection. She supported the digital image database project and made one of the first “adoptions” to the Adopt-a-Textile endowment fund. An advocate of equal opportunities for women, her bequest to the School of Human Ecology established the Mora Himel Lincoln Fund, an endowment to support women pursuing graduate degrees in Human Ecology.