100 Women Wall of Honor
About100 Women Wall of Honor

Nancy Meng Bruce

After graduation, Nancy Meng Bruce (1932-2016) (BS 1954 Early Childhood Development) taught at the preschool level for several years in Milwaukee. Later, she married Robert Bruce (BBA 1953) and the couple raised five children. Nancy was an active volunteer in several affiliations that are related to her love of textiles. Nancy’s particular interest was antique American quilts and several of the quilts she gave to the Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection (HLATC) were featured in an exhibit held at the Chazen Museum. Nancy made donations to support the digitization of the collection’s archival images, establish the Design Gallery in 1990, furnish the School’s first infant care teaching and research facility, and renovate the Dean’s office. Following the announcement of her 1990 Design Gallery gift, Human Ecology alumni around the country contacted her to express their delight. “It got others thinking about giving,” she said. Through her 100 Women gift, Nancy was particularly excited about the impact of new facilities – the gallery, HLATC and the preschool. “I am thankful to help in some way,” she said. “The students in the future will benefit.”