100 Women Wall of Honor
About100 Women Wall of Honor

Rosalie Amlie Morton

Rosalie Amlie Morton (1905-1985) (BS 1928 Home Economics) was ahead of her time when she decided to pursue a college degree. Born of Norwegian parents in Binford, North Dakota and orphaned at a young age, Rosalie escaped the poverty and starvation of subsistence-level farming when her oldest brother, who was attending law school, arranged for her to come to Madison. While working for the Economics Department she met Walter A. Morton (PhD 1927), a teaching assistant completing a doctorate in Economics. They married a year after Rosalie completed her degree and Walter had joined the Department of Economics faculty. A proud mother of two children, Stephen (BS 1954; PhD 1962 Chemistry) and Jane (MA 1954 Zoology), Rosalie was active in local Democratic Party politics and the Audubon Society. She instilled in her children a love of learning and a deep appreciation for the natural environment. In tribute to their mother, Stephen and Jane established two endowments in her honor. The Rosalie Amlie Morton Award provides a monetary award to top graduating seniors. The Rosalie Amlie Morton Scholarship supports deserving students who, like Rosalie, need financial assistance to fulfill their dream of a UW-Madison degree.