Interested in applying for a grant? Contact Sarah Marcotte, SoHE pre-award research administrator.
List of current funding opportunities posted to the “Research funding opportunities, news & info” blog.
List of grant funding opportunities for graduate students (fellowship, dissertation, travel/conference grants, etc.).
COVID-19 funding opportunities can be found on SoHE’s Search Funding Opportunities page.
Funding Opportunities for the week of September 11 – September 17, 2020
Reminder: Pandemic-Affected Research Continuation Initiative sponsored by the OVCRGE will support projects impacted by COVID-19 for which expenditures were compelled to continue although certain research activities were stalled and the project now faces a shortage of funds to complete those activities. Support for loss of critical and time-sensitive research supplies and resources due to reduction of on-site research activities will also be considered. Awards may be up to $50,000.
Applications are due Monday September 28, 2020 at 4:30PM. Click here to apply.
The Vilas Life Cycle Professorship is a long-standing program supported by the Office of the Provost. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, for 2020-21, this program has obtained supplemental funds from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education and WARF. For FY21 this will be called the Life Cycle Grant program and will provide funds to faculty and non‑emeritus permanent PIs at the University of Wisconsin–Madison who are at critical junctures in their professional careers and whose research productivity has been directly affected by personal life events (e.g., illness of a dependent, parent, spouse/partner, or oneself; complications from childbirth; combination of major life events).
Applications are due September 25, 2020 (and again December 31, 2020).
For Graduate Students: The UW-Madison Graduate School and OVCRGE share programs’ concerns about delayed completion of PhD and MFA graduation requirements due to research, writing, and defense interruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and are making available COVID-19 Dissertation Completion Funding. Advisers may apply for 1-semester fellowships for their students whose graduation has been unavoidably delayed but now expect to graduate by August 2021, and who cannot be supported through normal program appointments or endowment funds in Spring 2021. These fellowships will provide support for spring semester 2021.
Applications are due September 30, 2020.
Training & Education
An Introduction to the IRB — Register HERE
Thursday September 24, 20200 – 10:00am-11:00am
This session offers an overview of IRB process and procedures. This includes required training, working in ARROW, developing a protocol application and supporting documents, and the IRB review process. Because this session is being offered via Cisco WebEx, registration is required. Registrants will receive a WebEx invitation the day before the event.
Overview of Research and Sponsored Programs for SoHE Researchers — Register HERE
Friday September 25, 2020 – 2:00pm-3:15pm
This session will provide SoHE researchers with an overview of the major processes and compliance requirements that are involved with preparing and submitting a research grant application and receiving a grant award. For more information, please see the event website or contact contact Sarah Marcotte.
IRB Efficiency Project (IEP) – The IEP is being sponsored by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (OVCRGE) and is being implemented in partnership with the Huron Consulting Group. OVCRGE is pursuing this project to directly address the feedback provided by researchers in recent years about the IRB review process. Critical to this project’s success is active involvement of the research community. We ask for help in encouraging this involvement by:
- Taking a moment to review the IEP website to learn more about the project.
- Completing the IEP survey. Researchers have been surveyed about the IRB review process previously but the results from this survey will shape the IEP and track improvement over time. Even those not directly involved in human subjects research are welcome to provide feedback about the IRB review process by taking the survey.
GrantForward subscription to be canceled – UW-Madison is canceling its subscription to the grant seeking service GrantForward. As an alternative, PIVOT offers essentially the same options: a grants opportunities database, an e-mail update service, funded research history, and research expertise profiles. PIVOT can be accessed here:
Research at UW Newsletter – The latest issue includes a post from Vice Chancellor Steve Ackerman, Making Research Work: Getting ahead of grant deadlines leads to greater success.
For more Research funding opportunities, news & info, enter “Research” in the Search SoHE field at the top of this page.