Exterior of Nancy Nicholas Hall in the evening, with lamps and windows glowing.
News & Events

SoHE News: Oct 9–15

Thanks for reading our weekly roundup of news and events at the School of Human Ecology. Have something we should know about? Email Public Relations Manager Serena Larkin, or submit your SoHE event via this form. View past issues of news and events here.

In-house highlights

Poehlmann-Tynan, Kerr on team winning inaugural NCFR Olson Grant

Dr. Julie Poehlmann-Tynan, the Dorothy A. O’Brien Professor in Human Ecology, and Dr. Margaret Kerr, Assistant Professor in Human Development and Family Studies, are on the winning team of the inaugural Olson Grant from the National Council on Family Relations. Their proposal, “Building Reflective Functioning, Cohesion, and Flexibility in Families with Incarcerated Parents Through Supported Visits,” will test their own new relationship-based intervention for families with incarcerated parents.

SoHE scholars in the news

Kirkorian comedy event written up in Cap Times

The Cap Times wrote up a feature about the Wisconsin Science Festival event to occur this Saturday featuring SoHE’s own Dr. Heather Kirkorian, chair of Human Development and Family Studies and the Laura M. Secord Chair in Early Childhood Development.

Whelan joins WTMJ for World Mental Health Day, Channel 3000 on “acedia”

Dr. Christine Whelan, Director of Money, Relationships and Equality Initiative and Clinical Professor in Consumer Science, joined WTMJ Radio this past weekend for World Mental Health Day to discuss ways to help destigmatize mental illness in everyday life. She also spoke with Channel 3000 in a TV interview on the concept of “acedia” under the pandemic and what we can do about it.

Gaddis featured in SEIU Local 888 event

Service Employees International Union Local 888 welcomed Dr. Jennifer Gaddis, the Jane Rafferty Thiele Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor in Civil Society and Community Studies, as its featured guest on a recent member meeting (virtual, via Zoom) as part of its celebration of National Food Service Workers Day and to discuss her book, The Labor of Lunch.


DiPrete Brown: Covid communication in Wisconsin

Lori DiPrete Brown, Distinguished Faculty Associate, is coauthor on a new paper in the Journal of Science Communication, “How public perceptions of social distancing evolved over a critical time period: Communication lessons learnt from the American state of Wisconsin.”

Ponto: “Effects of Systematic Environmental Manipulation on Gait of Older Adults”

Dr. Kevin Ponto, Associate Professor in Design Studies, has published a new paper in the journal Healthcare with colleagues from across the university investigating “The Effects of Systematic Environmental Manipulation on Gait of Older Adults.”


“The Media Dilemma,” with Dr. Heather Kirkorian and the Wisconsin Science Festival

Virtual event | THIS Saturday, October 17, 8:30–10:00 p.m. CT: Wisconsin-born, nationally touring comedian Shane Mauss is joined by a second comedian and two UW-Madison professors, including Dr. Heather Kirkorian for an informative and fun exploration of the research related to screen time & modern media as a live recording of his science podcast “Here We Are.” The event is free and open to the public and will be screened live via Crowdcast, but space is limited. Registration is recommended.

SoHE graduate program info sessions

SoHE faculty and current graduate students will be hosting info sessions this month and next about opportunities for graduate study here. A general session covering all programs will take place October 23, and three separate sessions for Consumer Behavior and Family Economics will take place October 12, October 28, and November 10, each with a different area of focus. Pre-registration is required to receive the Zoom participation link.

“The Art of Papermaking,” with Mary Hark

Virtual event | Wednesday, October 21, 12:00–12:45 p.m. CT: Mary Hark, Professor in Design Studies, will join Badger Talks Live to describe her process and career in the art of papermaking. Learn more and RSVP for the Facebook Live event.

“Gun Violence Prevention as a Public Health Priority,” with Dr. Alvin Thomas

Virtual event | Monday, October 26, 4:00–5:00 p.m. CT: Members of the UW–Madison community are welcome to participate in a panel discussion on the topic of firearms violence prevention as an issue of importance in public health. Dr. Alvin Thomas, Assistant Professor in Human Development and Family Studies, will be a panelist, and attendees may submit questions in advance. Learn more and register.

“The Past and Future of School Lunch as a Form of Public Care,” with Dr. Jennifer Gaddis

Virtual event | Tuesday, November 17: As part of the fall lecture series, “Forward? The Wisconsin Idea, Past and Present,” Dr. Jennifer Gaddis will discuss her research on school lunch systems in a talk titled “The Past and Future of School Lunch as a Form of Public Care.” The series is free and open to the public. More information and registration are available here.

Plus, view the full online calendar of SoHE-sponsored events.