Update 8/5/20: Employee training
Please note that all employees planning to return to campus for any reason must complete the UW–Madison COVID-19 Training for On-Site Workers.
- SoHE’s school-specific Smart Restart plan for reopening in fall 2020 is now available for review
- Faculty, staff, and students are asked to review it and submit questions about it here [link closed 8/4/20]
- There will be a detailed discussion of the plan at our all-school meeting August 4 for faculty, instructors, staff, and graduate students
Ever since UW–Madison leadership announced their Smart Restart plan in June, SoHE leadership have been hard at work anticipating the needs and opportunities specific to Nancy Nicholas Hall, SoHE departments, and the students, faculty, and staff who make Human Ecology tick.
Following the release of additional resources and further guidance from campus this week in a message from Karl Scholz, Provost, and Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, SoHE leadership have finalized their plan. The SoHE Smart Restart page also includes an archive of key messages shared with the SoHE community in the last two months.
Prior to a planned all-school meeting on Tuesday, August 4 (invitees should have the meeting number and password in their calendar item), to discuss this plan in detail, faculty, instructors, staff, and students are asked to review it and submit any questions they have via this form [link closed 8/4/20]. Given the swiftly changing conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the plan is subject to change, but leadership will continue to honor as priority number one the safety and health of the members of the SoHE community and will communicate about key changes as quickly and transparently as possible.
Particular thanks to those who led the development of this plan, especially:
- Natalie Feggestad, Associate Dean for Finance and Administration
- John Hilgers, Director, SoHE Building, Information Technology, and Security (BITS)
- Annette McDaniel, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
- Sigan Hartley, Associate Professor and Director, SoHE Graduate Studies
- Janean Dilworth-Bart, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
- Lauren Papp, Associate Dean for Research
Thanks, too, to everyone at SoHE for their patience and collaborative spirit as we work together to execute the instruction, research, and other activities critical to SoHE’s and the university’s mission this fall.