
Claire BarrettAssociate Teaching Professor, Human Development & Family Studiesshe/her/hers

As an associate teaching professor, I integrate my expertise in teaching, (clinical) practice, and applied research to enrich student learning. My scholarship examines social determinants of health and well-being for youth, families, college students, and communities. Specifically, I study equity-minded high-impact pedagogical practices and community-based research methods that empower individuals and communities to address social determinants of health and well-being.

In the classroom, I seek to support students’ well-being through engaged learning practices that facilitate a sense of connectedness and belonging. Coalescing stakeholders from across campus, I facilitated a Teaching for Well-Being Taskforce and led the development of the Healthy Academics Toolkit, which was selected as a POD Network innovation award finalist. I received the K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award from the Association of American Colleges and Universities for my excellence in teaching and learning and commitment to community-engaged teaching practices. I also was selected as a Morgridge Fellow with the Morgridge Center for Public Service and participated in the UW–Madison Discussion Project.

Trained as a psychologist, I support student mental health in an ecological context ranging from individual-level intervention to population-level approaches. Most recently, I worked at UW–Madison’s University Health Services Prevention and Campus Health Initiatives, where I oversaw the Healthy Academics Initiative. In this capacity, I enjoyed building partnerships across campus to advance health-promoting policies and practices that support well-being in academic environments. I previously directed academic engagement initiatives, including first-year seminars, mentorship development programs, and academic support services; managed community-based research and evaluation projects focused on social determinants of health and well-being for youth and families; and worked as a mental health provider and mindfulness educator in both K-12 and higher education.

Selected Publications

Barrett, C. (In preparation). Methodological innovation in community-based research: Social media as a platform for photovoice.

Barrett, C., & Smith, T. (2019). Supporting First-Year Seminar Faculty through Assets-based Communities of Practice. Journal of Faculty Development, 33(3), 19-24.

Pykett, A., Barrett, C., Flanagan, C., & Ledin, D. (2018). Advancing Civic Science through University Students’ Service-learning with Youth. International Journal of Research on Service-Learning & Community Engagement, 6(1), Article 13.

[Barrett] Berezowitz, C., Pykett, A., Faust, V., & Flanagan, C. (2016). Well-being & civic outcomes. In R. Bringle & J. Hatcher (Eds.), Research on student civic outcomes in service learning: Conceptual frameworks and methods. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC.

See Also

  • Healthy Academics Toolkit
  • Awards and Certifications
    • K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Awardee & Future Leaders Society Advisory Board Member, Association of American Colleges & Universities
    • Fulbright Research Award Recipient (Ireland)
    • Mindfulness-Based Childbirth & Parenting (MBCP) Educator
A white woman smiling with curly brown hair worn up, wearing a red and blue scarf.


  • Human Development & Family Studies

Degree Program

  • BS Human Development & Family Studies



  • PhD, Educational Psychology/Civil Society & Community Research, University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • MS, Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • EdM, Human Development & Psychology, Harvard University
  • BS, Environmental Science/Political Science/Public Service, University of Notre Dame


Office: 4134 Nancy Nicholas Hall

Phone: 608-262-4512
