
Hannah BlackCommunications and Media Specialistshe/her/hers

I’ve known I wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember. What came later was a love of storytelling — using words to convey the importance and weight of something. This, along with a desire to incorporate public service, led me to studying journalism at the University of Missouri.

Reporting jobs have taken me from Columbia, MO; to North Dakota; to Brussels, Belgium; to the Twin Cities; and, most recently, to Cheyenne, WY. I’ve written about everything from the potential impact of anti-abortion legislation on a state to a mom taking up mountain biking to spread awareness of her son’s rare condition. In all of these instances, my goal was to help everyday readers understand their community a little better, and, in turn, hopefully make their lives a little better.

I’m excited to bring my love of storytelling to the School of Human Ecology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and to help spotlight the work of its faculty.

A white woman smiling, with medium-length blonde hair, wearing an olive green blouse and a necklace.


  • BA, Journalism, University of Missouri


Office: 2187 Nancy Nicholas Hall


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