
Sue BrunsSenior Chief of Staff | Senior Advisor

My first swing through the School of Human Ecology was when it was named Family Resources and Consumer Science. At that time, I had an opportunity to use my data background to do statistical programming for faculty with the most interesting projects. What struck me then was how the research translated so seamlessly to purpose and application in the larger world. While living in Minnesota for 16 years, I served as an elected school board member for 11 years and made a run for the Minnesota House. While my run may have been unsuccessful, my passion to find solutions to problems faced by people every day did not subside. Upon my return to Madison, I found my old stomping grounds with a new name and undergoing a facility transformation. What had not changed were people with a passion to do research that can be seamlessly translated to find solutions to problems faced by people every day. I re-signed.

Portrait of Sue Bruns, a white woman smiling with short gray hair, glasses, and a red dress.


Office: 2135B Nancy Nicholas Hall

Phone: 608-262-4897
