
Marianne FairbanksAudrey Rothermel Bascom Professor | Associate Professor of Design Studies | Kohl’s Center Innovation Faculty Fellowshe/her/hers

As a maker with 20 years of experience, three threads of my practice have emerged: my solo work, my research into emerging textile technology, and my social practice work. While distinctly different in intentions and outcomes, each thread informs and supports the others. Whether engaging poetic and aesthetic pleasures, utilitarian applications, or political and critical discourse, the unified focus of my work is textiles and the role they will play in the future of our society.

Read my research profile

Selected Publications

Hemmings, J., Tolnov Clausen, R., & Fairbanks, M. (2021). A Dialogue about Social Weaving: The Weaving Kiosk and Weaving Lab, 19(2), 223-236.

Hemmings, J., Fairbanks, M., Tolnov Clausen, R., & Igoe, E. (2021). Textile Design Theory in the Making (Epilogue, “To-ing and Fro-ing”). Bloomsbury.

For a full list of publications, see Fairbanks’ CV.

Featured Media

See Also

A white woman smiling, with grey hair, wearing graphic-patterned earrings and a polka dot shirt.


  • Design Studies

Degree Program

  • BS Textiles & Fashion Design
  • MFA Human Ecology: Design Studies
  • PhD Human Ecology: Design Studies



  • MFA, Fibers and Materials Studies, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  • International Exchange Program, Kyoto Seika University
  • BFA, Fibers, University of Michigan School of Art and Design


Office: 3220 Nancy Nicholas Hall

Phone: 608-890-3327



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