
Marina MoskowitzLynn and Gary Mecklenburg Chair in Textiles, Material Culture & Design | Professor of Design Studies

I have long had an interest in the “stuff” of human life. Early in my career I worked in curatorial roles in history museums, using artifacts to engage communities with their local histories. After receiving my PhD in American Studies at Yale University, working on the role of material culture in building national communities of American consumers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, I moved to Scotland to take up a post in History and American Studies at the University of Glasgow, giving me new perspectives on my research. Since joining the Design Studies department at the School of Human Ecology in 2018, it has been exciting to work with my new colleagues to again see my historical research in new ways, this time from the perspective of makers and theorists in design and material culture, and I am thrilled to have the Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection on my doorstep.

Selected Publications

Richmond, V., & Moskowitz, M. (2016-2023). Textile History: The Journal of the Pasold Research Fund.

Moskowitz, M., & Sikarskie, A. (2021). “Terrain of Every Hue”: Locating the Luxury Knitwear Trade in Scotland’s Landscapes. Storytelling in Luxury Fashion: Brands, Visual Cultures, and Technologies. Routledge.

Moskowitz, M., & Schweitzer, M. (2009). Testimonial Advertising and the American Marketplace: Emulation, Identity, Community (includes single-authored essay “‘After a Season of War’: Sharing Horticultural Success in the Reconstruction-Era Landscape” and jointly-authored Introduction). Palgrave Macmillan.

Moskowitz, M., Brown, E., & Gudis, C. (2006). Cultures of Commerce: Representations and American Business Culture, 1877-1960. (Includes single-authored essay “Broadcasting Seeds on the American Landscape,” and jointly-authored Introduction). Palgrave Macmillan.

Moskowitz, M. (2004 & 2008). Standard of Living: The Measure of the Middle Class in Modern America. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Moskowitz, M., Abrams, L., & Le Riguer, C. (2022). Glasgow University Knits: A Pattern Book with Essays.

For a full list of publications, see Moskowitz’s CV.

Featured Media

See Also

A white woman, smiling, with straight brown hair, wearing glasses and a navy blue, burgundy, and white striped dress.


  • Design Studies

Degree Program

  • MFA Human Ecology: Design Studies
  • PhD Human Ecology: Design Studies


  • MA, MPhil, and PhD, American Studies, Yale University
  • BA, American Studies, Yale College


Office: 3214 Nancy Nicholas Hall

Phone: 608-262-2015



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