
Hannah TymorekMultimedia Designershe/her/hers

I believe that imagination, creativity, and public service can change the world. At the School of Human Ecology, I enjoy putting that passion to work for our students, faculty, and staff, who in turn work to better the lives and well-being of children, families, consumers, and communities near and far. Though born and raised in Madison, I spent the last 18 years in Milwaukee, where I found I especially thrive on the camaraderie and spirit of the community in which I live and work, whether that was as a graphic designer with UW–Milwaukee’s Integrated Marketing & Communications, in the advertising industry, or founding a small company with my cousin specializing in Milwaukee- and Wisconsin-themed souvenirs. As the School’s multimedia designer, I have the pleasure of rejoining my hometown community as well as finding a new one within human ecology.

A white woman smiling, with brown, curly hair, wearing a green sweater and red earrings.


  • BFA, Graphic Design, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Office: 2158 Nancy Nicholas Hall
