
Nancy WongKohl's Chair in Retail Innovation | Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs | Professor of Consumer Scienceshe/her/hers

I am a consumer psychologist who explores how cultural values influence consumption decisions, how people respond emotionally in different situations, and how materialistic values influence the way we consume. I am particularly interested in understanding how consumers make choices that could impact their health and financial well-being and promote environmental sustainability.

Selected Publications

Warmath, D., O’Connor, G. E., Wong, N., & Newmeyer, C. (2022). The role of social psychological factors in vulnerability to financial hardship. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56(3), 1148-1177.

Warmath, D., O’Connor, G. E., Newmeyer, C., & Wong, N. (2022). Have I saved enough to social distance? The role of household financial preparedness in public health response. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56(1), 319-338.

Newmeyer, C., Warmath, D., O’Connor, G. E., & Wong, N. (2021). Is Savings Automation Helpful to Liquid Savings? It Depends on Whether You have a Savings Habit. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40(2), 285-297.

O’Conner, G. E., Newmeyer, C., Wong, N., Bayuk, J., Cook. L., Komarova, Y., Loibl, C., Ong, L., & Warmath, D. (2019). Conceptualizing the multiple dimensions of consumer financial vulnerability. Journal of Business Research, 100(July 2019), 421-430.

Dholakia, U., Tam, L., Yoon, S., & Wong, N. (2016). The Ant and the Grasshopper: Understanding Personal Saving Orientation of Consumers. Journal of Consumer Research, 43(1), 134-155.

For a full list of publications, see Wong’s CV.

See Also

  • Presentation
    • Wong, N., & Ashton, L. (2021, May 20). Using Online SSDI Conversations to Improve SSA Communication and Outreach (Conference presentation). Social Security Advisory Board Public Service Roundtable Meeting.
Portrait of Nancy Wong


  • Consumer Science

Degree Program

  • PhD Human Ecology: Consumer Behavior & Family Economics



  • PhD, Business Administration, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
  • MA, Social Psychology, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
  • MBA, Marketing, University of California–Los Angeles
  • BBA, Accounting, York University


Office: 4216 Nancy Nicholas Hall

Phone: 608-265-5954

