Drawing of the plan for the original School of Human Ecology building in 1914 on aged, yellowish paper.

UW Regents voted to reorganize the School of Home Economics into four-departments. The west wing of the Home Economics building is added. Ever expanding, the school adds a fifth department in 1955, Home Economics Education and Extension. The Preschool Laboratory is built in 1957 between College of Agriculture Hall and the Home Management House.

Preschool in the 1950s.
Preschool in the 1950s.

The Regents vote in 1950 to reorganize the School of Home Economics into four departments; Clothing and Textiles, Foods and Nutrition, Home Management and Family Living, and Related Art. The newest, the Department of Home Management and Family Living included courses in these two sub-disciplines and areas such as housing and home management. Over the years, the two strands became more clearly defined as Child Development and Family Relations, and Family Economics and Management. Adding yet another department in 1955, the Department of Home Economics Education was established with Julia Dalrymple as its chair.

1950's High School Day
1950’s High School Day

Throughout the decade Phi U and Omicron Nu sponsored open houses for home economics students titled “What’s new in Home Ec?” They highlight current research in the field with such exhibitions as “Yeast as a food” and “Consumer acceptance of dried whole milk as a beverage.” Style shows were popular as well and provided valuable experience in event planning and publicity for the program.