Exterior of Nancy Nicholas Hall in the evening, with lamps and windows glowing.
News & Events

Child Development Lab Celebrates Week of the Young Child

Several students of the CDL press flowers while gathered around a stone bench outdoors
Several students of the CDL press flowers on a bench outside of the School of Human Ecology.

This week, the Child Development Lab in the School of Human Ecology celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the Week of the Young Child with a series of events among its families. Week of the Young Child is an annual event founded by the National Association for the Education of Young Children to spotlight the needs of young children and their families and recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.

“It’s been a challenging year, to be sure,” reflects Child Development Lab (CDL) Director Jill Riley. “But we have a lot to celebrate, too. Our experienced, creative, and wise CDL early childhood teachers and interns work every day to foster a richly diverse program environment and optimize the full potential of young children’s learning and development.”

In an interview with the UW School of Education, CDL teacher and alum of SoHE’s Human Development and Family Studies major Kelsie Krawczyk reflects, “The greatest sense of accomplishment is when the confidence I have in children and their abilities shines through for them…. As early childhood educators, we do so much more than just playing with the kids. We create a nurturing, loving, and safe environment to best facilitate their learning.”

Follow along with the CDL’s events this week on its Facebook page, and learn more about the lab, including opportunities to conduct research in its state-of-the-art Frances & Elliot Lehman Family Research Center.

Four infant children sit in the lawn in front of the School of Human Ecology building
Four CDL toddlers enjoy a mild day on the lawn in front of Nancy Nicholas Hall.