Exterior of Nancy Nicholas Hall in the evening, with lamps and windows glowing.
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Fathers’ perceptions of parent couple confict and emotional and behavioral functioning of youth with autism may be transactionally related

Brianna Piro-Gambetti, a PhD student in Human Development and Family Studies, is first author on an article published in Development and Psychopathology by Cambridge University Press exploring how family psychosocial experiences can be intertwined and highlighting the need for family-wide interventions. Dr. Lauren M. Papp, Associate Dean for Research and Vaughn Bascom Professor in Women, Family, and Community and Dr. Sigan L. Hartley, 100 Women Distinguished Chair in Human Ecology and Director of SoHE Graduate Studies are co-authors of the paper, “Parent couple conflict and emotional and behavioral problems in youth with autism: Longitudinal investigation of bidirectional effects.”

Read the full article at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/development-and-psychopathology/article/parent-couple-conflict-and-emotional-and-behavioral-problems-in-youth-with-autism-longitudinal-investigation-of-bidirectional-effects/6E61E3624379FA0F956CDACF83DF5966#.YVXSM1gOQZk