Interested in applying for a grant? Contact Sarah Marcotte, SoHE pre-award research administrator.
List of current funding opportunities posted to the “Research funding opportunities, news & info” blog.
List of grant funding opportunities for graduate students (fellowship, dissertation, travel/conference grants, etc.).
See SoHE’s Search Funding Opportunities page for several databases with COVID-19 funding opportunities.
Funding Opportunities for the week of August 7 – August 13, 2020
Last call! SoHE Course Release Incentive applications for spring semester 2021 are due August 15, 2020. Course releases are intended for investigators who have identified a significant federal grant opportunity and seek dedicated time to develop the external funding proposal. Refer to the Dean’s memo for background information about the initiative. Click here to download the application form. Completed applications must be submitted via email to Dr. Lauren Papp (
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education has opened the Fall Research Competition. An important goal is that Research Committee investments lead to continued external funding in disciplines where that is possible. Senior faculty, and junior faculty who have received significant prior fall research competition funding and/or significant VCGRE funding, are encouraged to submit proposals that serve as backup support for external grant applications. Alternatively, funding may be requested for pilot studies in new research directions, with the goal of developing preliminary data that will increase the likelihood of competitive extramural support. Find an example of the 2020 application along with the associated directions. Apply online – applications are due September 11, 2020. Please contact Sarah Marcotte for budget review or other non-technical proposal assistance.
Education and Training
Reminder: IRB Session on conducting research during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you plan to conduct research in the coming semester and have questions about how COVID-19 may impact your activities, plan to attend a new course offered online by the Professional Research Education Program (PREP) on August 27, 2020 at 12:00-1:00pm.
Course Description: During this course you will hear from representatives from the UWCCC Clinical Research Central Office (CRCO); Environment, Health, & Safety (EHS); and HS IRBs office about conducting research during the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics covered include conducting remote consent and virtual study visits, what needs to be reported to the IRB, and safety best practices for in-person research. A Q&A session will follow.
Register at:
This week’s Research at UW newsletter announces the Fall Research Competition (see above), campus workplace safety policy, and other UW research-related news items.
Campus continues to follow Research Reboot – Phase 2 Return to Research requirements. If you have any questions about your current or planned Return to Research activities, please review SoHE Return to Research resources or contact Sarah Marcotte.
Looking for more Research funding opportunities, news & info? Enter “Research” in the Search SoHE field at the top of this page.