Image: Family Doing Shopping in the Grocery Store by Gustavo Fring, cc.
Thanks for reading our weekly roundup of news and events at the School of Human Ecology. Have something we should know about? Email Public Relations Manager Serena Larkin, or submit your SoHE event via this form. View past issues of news and events here.
SoHE reopening plan & mandatory employee training
If you missed its announcement last week, please review SoHE’s reopening plan, now published on the school’s Knowledge Base platform and being updated there as leadership receives further guidance from campus. All SoHE plans defer to the campus Smart Restart plan.
NOTE: Any employees planning to return to campus for any reason must complete the UW–Madison COVID-19 Training for On-Site Workers.
From the blog & social
Raison receives SoHE’s first Distinguished Chair position
Dr. Charles Raison, of Human Development and Family Studies, has been announced as the Mary Sue and Mike Shannon Distinguished Chair for Healthy Minds, Children & Families, thanks to generous support from the Shannons and from a Morgridge match.
MORE Initiative Offers Free Pandemic Financial Planning Tools
The Money, Relationships, and Equality Initiative at SoHE, led by Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Fenaba Addo, has published three new resources to help people and their pocketbooks weather the pandemic.
SoHE scholars in the news
Wong on buying green and getting frugal in the pandemic
Dr. Nancy Wong, the Kohl’s Chair in Retail Innovation, spoke with the Green Bay Press Gazette about consumers’ eco-conscious purchasing choices prior to and during the pandemic. She also joined Wisconsin Public Radio’s Larry Meiller Show to talk about the more frugal habits some consumers find themselves practicing as a result of the current economic downturn and uncertainty ahead.
Podcast, Part 2: Gaddis talks school lunch with PRN’s iEat Green
The Progressive Radio Network’s iEat Green podcast again hosted Civil Society and Community Studies’ Dr. Jennifer Gaddis for a follow-up interview to discuss school lunch and farm-to-school programs.
Whelan on work-from-home self-care
Dr. Christine Whelan, Director of Money, Relationships and Equality Initiative and Clinical Professor of Consumer Science, spoke with the Wisconsin Radio Network about the importance of self-care for those working from home.
New research from SoHE
Gaddis on South Korea’s school lunch program
Dr. Jennifer Gaddis, the Jane Rafferty Thiele Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor of Civil Society and Community Studies, has a new article out in Agriculture and Human Values with UW Sociology PhD alum June Jeon about South Korea’s universal, free, and eco-friendly school lunch program. Gaddis and Jeon analyzed historical newspapers and government data to understand the motivating factors and underlying conditions that allowed the program to become a tool for advancing social justice and ecological goals at the national scale.
Thomas on Black male teens’ responses to community violence
Dr. Alvin Thomas, Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, has a new paper in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology examining the impacts for young Black men of witnessing violence in their communities.
Kirkorian presents in UW Pediatric Grand Rounds
Dr. Heather Kirkorian, Department Chair of Human Development and Family Studies and the Laura M. Secord Chair in Early Childhood Development, presented this morning in the Pediatric Grand Rounds of the UW–Madison Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership with the Schools of Medicine and Public Health, Nursing, and Pharmacy, discussing her research on young children and digital media use.
Addo presents on pandemic-impacted student debt with the Urban Institute
Yesterday afternoon, Dr. Fenaba Addo, the Lorna Jorgenson Wendt Associate Professor in Money, Relationships, and Equality (MORE) and Consumer Science, joined the Urban Institute in its Evidence to Action series to discuss protections for student borrowers struggling additionally as a result of COVID-19.
Fairbanks joins “Badger Talks” to teach weaving at home
Marianne Fairbanks, Associate Professor of Design Studies, joined the university’s Badger Talks Live program yesterday afternoon to demonstrate a weaving technique people can practice at home with a few ordinary household items. The Isthmus also promoted the event.