Exterior of Nancy Nicholas Hall in the evening, with lamps and windows glowing.
News & Events

Research Funding Opportunities, News & Info

Interested in applying for a grant? Contact Sarah Marcotte, SoHE pre-award research administrator.

List of current funding opportunities posted to the “Research funding opportunities, news & info” blog.
List of grant funding opportunities for graduate students (fellowship, dissertation, travel/conference grants, etc.).

See SoHE’s Search Funding Opportunities page for several databases with COVID-19 funding opportunities.

Funding Opportunities for the week of May 18-22, 2020

The Russell Sage Foundation’s visiting scholar program, established over thirty years ago, is a unique opportunity for social scientists to pursue research projects that investigate essential questions on social, economic, and political life in the U.S. while in residence in New York City. The program fosters the exchange of ideas in a vibrant interdisciplinary environment and promotes collaborations between researchers. Applications are reviewed by outside experts; final selections are made by RSF trustees. Applications for the 2021-2022 academic year will be accepted until June 25, 2020.
Click here for information about the program, including eligibility requirements and application guidelines.


Reminder: The OVCRGE Grant Writing Boot Camp for Social Scientists will run from July 2020 through mid-February 2021. The boot camp will provide structured guidance and mentoring for developing a proposal aimed for NIH. Proposals can originate in any discipline but should have a substantive component in the social sciences. The boot camp will meet approximately twice per month from mid-summer through mid-February 2021. Applications are due June 1, 2020.


UW-Madison has new fringe benefit rates, effective July 1, 2020. These rates will be used when charging the employer’s contribution to fringe benefits on all new and on-going extramural projects. See RSP Notice 2020-1 for the complete list of new rates – below is a selection:

-Faculty and Academic Staff: 33.6%
-Research Assistants, Project Assistants, and Teaching Assistants: 16.2%
-University Staff: 48.4%
-Student hourly employees: 2.6%

This week’s NIH Extramural Nexus includes several items including a reminder to use FORMS-F (note the NIH Biosketch form has been updated with a new expiration date); and the FY19 annual summary of NIH’s research investments, grant funding, and success rates. Of interest, both NIH funding and the number of awards issued increased compared to FY18. Research Project Grant (RPG) success rates were ~20%, with the average award size ~$500K.

Looking for more Research funding opportunities, news & info? Enter “Research” in the Search SoHE field at the top of this page.