Exterior of Nancy Nicholas Hall in the evening, with lamps and windows glowing.
News & Events

SoHE News: May 15-21

Image: Money by Free Pictures of Money, cc.

Thanks for reading our weekly roundup of news and events at the School of Human Ecology. Have something we should know about? Email Public Relations Manager Serena Larkin, or submit your SoHE event via this form. View past issues of news and events here.

From the blog

SoHE will welcome new faculty in Design Studies and Consumer Science this coming academic year, and Professor Robert Nix wins a Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment Award to expand the Positive Parenting Program across Wisconsin’s highest-risk communities.

SoHE scholars in the news

Addo on utility bills after COVID-19 grace period

Dr. Fenaba Addo, SoHE’s Lorna Jorgenson Wendt Associate Professor in Money, Relationships, and Equality, shared insights with the Durham Herald Sun on how utility companies might help families struggling to pay their bills in the coming months under coronavirus-related economic pressures. Her new paper with Dr. Sandy Darity was also featured in Moguldom Nation earlier this week.

Raison advises on COVID coping with Psych Congress Network

In a two-part video interview with the Psych Congress Network, Dr. Charles Raison, the Mary Sue and Mike Shannon Chair for Healthy Minds, Children, and Families, and Professor in Human Development and Family Studies, speaks with Psych Congress Steering Committee Saundra Jain, MA, PsyD, LPC, about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected him personally and professionally and its impacts on clinical research studies and funding sources. View part 1 and part 2.

Whelan on finding meaning during COVID, on declining birth rates

Dr. Christine Whelan, Director of Money, Relationships and Equality Initiative and Clinical Professor of Consumer Science, gave a Q&A with Psychology Today on finding meaning in one’s life and work even under the added stresses and demands of COVID-19. She also commented for AOL News and Today.com on the declining birth rates in the U.S.

New research from SoHE

Ponto has two papers in proceedings of 2020 IEEE Conference

The proceedings of the 2020 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops features two papers from Dr. Kevin Ponto, Associate Professor in Design Studies: “High-Resolution Interactive Immersive Renderings of Real-World Environments” and “Measuring Visual Acuity and Stereo Accuracy as Mediated by Immersive Displays.”


CFS to host webinar on student loans and COVID

The UW Center for Financial Security (CFS) at SoHE, in collaboration with the Wisconsin Coalition on Student Loan Debt and Ascendium Education Solutions, Inc., will host a webinar Tuesday, June 2, on how COVID-19 impacts student loan borrowers and on the various types of relief available. Learn more and register (free) on the CFS website.

Raison mental health summit this weekend

A reminder that the Never Alone Summit, a free, online gathering to promote mental health, headlined by Deepak Chopra and also featuring SoHE’s Dr. Charles Raison, will run this weekend, Friday, May 22, through Sunday, May 24.