Exterior of Nancy Nicholas Hall in the evening, with lamps and windows glowing.
News & Events

SoHE News and Events: March 29- April 4

Flanagan’s Expertise on Youth and Politics | Feng Shui = Harmony notes Wei Dong

Professor Connie Flanagan, Ph.D. Connie Flanagan, associate dean of SoHE, was quoted in a Wisconsin Watch article about young voters and politics. Flanagan touches some of the reason why young voter turn out rates are much lower compared to other age groups. When young voters do turn out, the issues they care about become the forefront of topics politicians touch on.

In addition,  Flanagan’s expertise was used in a different Wisconsin Watch article about the importance of civic education in high schools. In order to make the youth become engaged with politics, they have to feel like they have a voice in society. By making them complete a project or volunteer for their community, it help engages them in politics and feel like they have a voice.

Wei DongProfessor Wei Dong faculty member in Design Studies has been featured in the New York Times on the concepts of Feng Shui. He says that, “Feng shui is a philosophy of life. Good feng shui means being in harmony with nature, your environment, your mind and your soul.”