Thanks for reading our weekly roundup of news and events at the School of Human Ecology. Have something we should know about? Email Public Relations Manager Serena Larkin, or submit your SoHE event via this form. View past issues of news and events here.
In-house highlights
Dr. Dilworth-Bart Wins Slesinger Award for Excellence in Mentoring
SoHE’s Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Dr. Janean E’guya Dilworth-Bart has won the 2020-21 Slesinger Award for Excellence in Mentoring, a UW award recognizing faculty who have made an exceptional effort in mentoring women faculty at the university.
Two CNPL winter graduates highlighted by university

UW’s winter commencement ceremony will take place Sunday, and in anticipation of the event, the university highlighted a handful of students from across campus who will be graduating, including two SoHE students: Talesa Allen, majoring in Community and Nonprofit Leadership, and Wyatt Weigel, double majoring in Community and Nonprofit Leadership and Communications.
SoHE scholars in the news
Kerr on women’s extra burdens during the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr. Margaret Kerr, Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, spoke in a TV interview with Channel 3000 about the disproportionate impact women are facing from the COVID-19 pandemic both in the workplace and at home.
Dong on Feng Shui and wellbeing
Wei Dong, the Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Design Studies, spoke with The Active Times to provide insight on the importance of Feng Shui principles and how they can positively impact wellbeing. Dong says that simply rearranging the home/work environment can greatly improve one’s lifestyle and mental health. The story was reprinted on MSN.
Murray on resale fashion’s booming business
Nancy Murray, Academic Director for Kohl’s Center for Retailing Excellence, Faculty Associate, and Teaching Professor of Consumer Science, spoke with Wisconsin Public Radio’s Central Time program Monday afternoon about the growing secondhand fashion market.
O’Brien on airline mask policy for passengers
Jerry O’Brien, Executive Director of Kohl’s Center for Retailing, spoke with Fox 29 Philadelphia about a mask dispute incident at the Milwaukee Airport earlier this week: “The truth of the matter is airlines probably need to be more strict about this rule than anyone, because the first way for them to get back to profitability and full planes is to convince fliers that it’s safe.” The story also aired on Fox 5 NY.
Podcast: Raison talks with fourth-grader about children’s COVID-19 anxiety
In a special episode of the “Health Is Everything” podcast series from Emory University, Dr. Charles Raison, the Mary Sue and Mike Shannon Distinguished Chair for Healthy Minds, Children & Families and Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, and Eleanor Barrett, a fourth-grader from Madison, Wisconsin, discuss the fear and anxiety children may be experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pair also talk about taking precautions during the pandemic while empathizing with the human need for socialization.
Raison: Brain insulin resistance in bipolar depression
Dr. Charles Raison is coauthor on a new paper in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, “Exploring brain insulin resistance in adults with bipolar depression using extracellular vesicles of neuronal origin.”
“Digital Garden” group exhibition, including Marianne Fairbanks
Exhibition| December 4, 2020–January 8, 2021: Cleveland-based fiber arts center Praxis Fiber Arts will feature a group exhibition over the next several weeks celebrating the opening of its digital weaving lab. The exhibition includes work from Marianne Fairbanks, Associate Professor of Design Studies, and host a virtual opening Sunday, December 6, via Facebook Live.
“Weaving Workshop,” with Marianne Fairbanks
Virtual Event | Sunday, December 20, 3:00–4:00 p.m. CT: Learn how to weave on a small Hello! Loom at this virtual workshop hosted by Marianne Fairbanks, Associate Professor of Design Studies. This workshop includes a special limited-edition kit with yarn spray-painted with a gorgeous palette of colors and the chance to learn how to weave with a flat yarn. More information and registration are available here.
Plus, view the full online calendar of SoHE-sponsored events.