Thanks for reading our weekly roundup of news and events at the School of Human Ecology. Have something we should know about? Email Public Relations Manager Serena Larkin, or submit your SoHE event via this form. View past issues of news and events here.
In-house highlights
Dr. Cliff Robb Wins Teaching Excellence Award
SoHE scholars in the news
Whelan on purpose and well-being with WPR, Dear Pandemic
Dr. Christine Whelan, Director of Money, Relationships, and Equality (MORE) Initiative and Clinical Professor of Consumer Science, joined Wisconsin Public Radio’s Morning Show on Monday, along with former SoHE faculty member Dr. Fenaba Addo, to discuss balancing purpose and financial well-being.
Dr. Whelan also now serves as the lifestyle and happiness expert for the popular outlet Dear Pandemic, whose editor-in-chief is UW vaccine expert Dr. Malia Jones. There, Whelan has written on:
- Coping with a Mental Low
- Solutions for Feeling Anxious and Bored
- A Happier, Heathier 2021
- A New Start for 2021
Finally, she joined Channel 3000’s Live at Four News yesterday to discuss a new 10-lecture Audible Originals series she is launching with The Great Courses, “Finding Your Purpose.”
FoodAnthropology reviews Gaddis’ The Labor of Lunch
The Labor of Lunch: Why We Need Real Food and Real Jobs in American Public Schools, written by Dr. Jennifer Gaddis, the Jane Rafferty Thiele Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor of Civil Society and Community Studies, was thoughtfully reviewed—from discussion of the theories and models used by Gaddis to the history of school food—in FoodAnthropology: Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition. The review states, “Gaddis offers meaningful engagement with a justice frame that shifts analysis from individuals to the system, and clear evidence that inclusion of school food laborers is essential to sustainable change in school food and a stronger food system.”
Angus show noted in Pittsburgh museum reopenings announcement
“The Museum of All Things,” a show at The Mattress Factory in Pittsburgh, by Jennifer Angus, the Audrey Rothermel Bascom Professor in Human Ecology, was noted in a Pittsburgh Gazette article highlighting local art museum reopenings happening soon.
Dong shares tips on spiritual home design
Wei Dong, the Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Design Studies, shared his tips with The Zoe Report incorporating Feng Shui ideas regarding balance of the five elements—metal, wood, fire, water, and earth—to create a more spiritual and energy-impacting connection with living spaces.
Fairbanks et al. in conversation on social weaving
Adopting the format of an edited and annotated conversation, Danish researcher and designer Rosa Tolnov Clausen, American artist and professor Marianne Fairbanks, Associate Professor of Design Studies, and British writer and professor Jessica Hemmings discuss some of the circumstances in which community hand weaving projects may flourish. Their discussion is published in the latest issue of the journal Textile: Cloth and Culture.
Litzelman et al. report on efforts to combat social isolation and loneliness in Wisconsin during the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr. Kristin Litzelman, Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, is first author on a new report from UW Division of Extension detailing results of a survey about how Wisconsin organizations are helping people manage social isolation and loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Raison et al.: IL-6 antagonist tocilizumab associated with worse depression symptoms in medically ill
Dr. Charles Raison, the Mary Sue and Mike Shannon Distinguished Chair for Healthy Minds, Children & Families and Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, is coauthor on a new paper in Translational Psychiatry, “The IL-6 antagonist tocilizumab is associated with worse depression and related symptoms in the medically ill.”
CDMC Conversation Series: Lois Bielefeld
Friday, January 29, 12:oo p.m. CT, Virtual | As part of the CDMC Conversation Series, Chicago-based commercial and gallery photographer Lois Bielefeld will be in conversation with CDMC’s Operations Manager Laura Sims Peck. Bielefeld’s work focuses on constructing visual stories of everyday life while asking what links routine and ritual to the formation of identity and personhood. Registration and more information can be found here.
“Pathways to Non-traditional Careers for PhD Students,” with Dr. Christine Whelan
Wednesday, February 3, 1:00-2:00 p.m. CT, Virtual | Dr. Christine Whelan, Director of SoHE’s Money, Relationships and Equality Initiative and Clinical Professor of Consumer Science, will be hosting a virtual workshop as part of the OneSoHE Advanced Professional Development series. In addition to Whelan speaking of her own personal journey, this workshop will include a presentation, Q&A, and suggestions for future opportunities to meet the non-traditional career needs of the SoHE graduate community. More information can be found here.
“Holistic Healing Within Community: Global Mental Health Perspectives during COVID-19,” with Lori DiPrete Brown
Tuesday, March 30, 8:00-9:00 a.m. CT, Virtual | Hosted by the University of Wisconsin–Madison Global Health Institute, monthly webinars with researchers and practitioners showcase and address the complexity of global health challenges and share their experiences, provide insights into global health, encourage conversation, and connect colleagues locally and globally. Lori DiPrete Brown, Distinguished Faculty Associate of Civil Society and Community Studies, will moderate a webinar on the bio-psycho-social model of holistic healing, used to promote psychological well-being in general and particularly in the midst of a pandemic. Registration and more information can be found here.
Plus, view the full online calendar of SoHE-sponsored events.