Exterior of Nancy Nicholas Hall in the evening, with lamps and windows glowing.
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At least 17 states require students to study financial literacy. Why doesn’t Wisconsin? (The Badger Project; Harvey)

Many schools in the state offer it or even require it, but it’s not a requirement statewide. The governor wants to use $5 million to fund the class, but that’s not enough for every kid. Some Republicans want to require it, but aren’t funding it.

The post Many states require students study financial literacy. Why doesn’t Wisconsin? appeared first on The Badger Project.

Many states require students study financial literacy. Why doesn’t Wisconsin? was first posted on March 9, 2023 at 10:49 am.

Read the full article at: https://thebadgerproject.org/2023/03/09/at-least-17-states-require-students-to-study-financial-literacy-why-doesnt-wisconsin/