Exterior of Nancy Nicholas Hall in the evening, with lamps and windows glowing.
News & Events

SoHE News and Events: March 16 - March 22

Campus features YMA wins | Flanigan talks national Walkout Day | Collins wins Kohl’s funding

SoHE’s TFD and R&CB students YMA scholarship wins capture campus attention

Griffin Claes in Mary Hark's “Structural Enrichment” class
Photo: Hyunsoo Léo Kim

SoHE students wins in the 2018 YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund are featured in the UW News article Trent-setters: Badgers win big (again and again) in national fashion and design competition. The piece covers the winning work of this year’s students while calling out SoHE’s record of earning the scholarship awards year after year. Congratulations to our students and faculty!


Flanagan Discusses National School Walkout Day

Professor Connie Flanagan, Ph.D.Connie Flanagan, Associate Dean, discussed National School Walkout Day (click to watch) on Madison News 3. The highly-televised national March 14th walkout was organized by high school students to demonstrate frustration over political inaction regarding gun control. Flanagan, who published the book Teenage Citizens: The Political Theories of the Young, provided her insights as an expert on youths and politics.



Professor Collins receives Kohl Public Service Funding

Michael Collins

Four La Follette School faculty members received funding from Herb Kohl Public Service Research Competition. SoHE’s very own Dr. J. Michael Collins were among those awarded. Collins’ award will fund his research about how out-of-pocket health care costs affect Wisconsin families. In addition, this reward will help financially support students as project assistants. Congrats to Professor Collins!