Exterior of Nancy Nicholas Hall in the evening, with lamps and windows glowing.
News & Events

October Badger Talks series is all Human Ecology

Badger Talks is a virtual talk series featuring talent from the University of Wisconsin–Madison which brings exciting happenings, resources and talent to the people of Wisconsin and beyond. Fueled by the spirit of the Wisconsin Idea, this popular outreach program feature three Human Ecology faculty for the October series:

Dr. Sarah Anne Carter

Questioning Things: Material Culture Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison
Tuesday, October 4 at noon

Dr. Sarah Anne Carter
Director, Center for Design and Material Culture Associate Professor in Design Studies

For the past 25 years UW–Madison has been a leader in the study of material culture. Prof. Sarah Anne Carter, Director of the Center for Design and Material Culture, will discuss the history and future of material culture studies on campus through the new exhibit, Questioning Things: A Quarter Century of Material Culture Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, which she collaboratively curated with material culture alumni in honor of the program founder Prof. Ann Smart Martin.

Dipesh Navsaria dressed in a pink shirt, bow tie and blazer jacket.
Dr. Dipesh Navsaria

Mirrors, Windows and Sliding Glass Doors – Why Diversity in Children’s Books Matters to Us All
Tuesday, October 11 at noon

Dr. Dipesh Navsaria
Associate Professor of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Clinical Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies

Diverse themes, text, and illustrations matter deeply in children’s books, and go well beyond simply allowing those from historically marginalized groups to “see themselves”. This talk explores these concepts, why they matter to those advising and selecting books that adults may choose to share with young children, and how it ultimately matters to us all as a society. This talk is being presented in partnership with the 2022 Wisconsin Science Festival.

Dr. Janean Dilworth-Bart

The School of Human Ecology Equity & Justice Network
Tuesday, October 18 at noon

Dr. Janean Dilworth-Bart
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs at the School of Human Ecology and Professor of Human Development and Family Studies

Janean Dilworth-Bart is the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Graduate Education and Professor of Human Development and Family Studies in the School of Human Ecology. She also chairs the Human Ecology Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council and leads the Human Ecology Equity and Justice Network.

These virtual talks take place on the Badger Talks YouTube and Facebook channels. Can’t catch the live talks? The talks will remain available on both channels for your viewing pleasure.