Thanks for reading our weekly roundup of news and events at the School of Human Ecology. Have something we should know about? Email Public Relations Manager Serena Larkin, or submit your SoHE event via this form. View past issues of news and events here.
From the blog & social
SoHE Grad Students Publish Crisis Response Guide
As another school year begins, the guide sums up Madison-area resources to equip the SoHE community with alternatives to calling the police in crisis situations.
CDMC Summer Fellowships Offer Unique Research Support to UW Undergrads
Three undergraduate students recently presented the results of their Chipstone Foundation-supported summer research fellowships with the UW Center for Design and Material Culture at SoHE, showcasing projects in textile studies, material culture, and design thinking.
SoHE scholars in the news
Sarmadi and Kurutz featured in UW mask development story

Dr. Majid Sarmadi and Maria Kurutz, both of Design Studies, put in hundreds of extra hours this spring and summer helping a cross-campus team develop a reusable face mask for students, faculty, and staff returning to Madison this fall. Read the full story on the university’s News page.
Angus show written up in Art & Object and Philadelphia’s Tribune-Review
A new exhibition at Philadelphia’s The Mattress Factory, “Museum of Everything,” by Jennifer Angus, SoHE’s Audrey Rothermel Bascom Professor in Human Ecology, was written up in the local Tribune-Review newspaper and advertised in the online fine arts news magazine Art & Object.
Gaddis interviewed in Edge Effects, cited in Good Men Project op-ed
Edge Effects, the digital magazine of the Center for Culture, History, and Environment in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at UW–Madison, interviewed Dr. Jennifer Gaddis, of Civil Society and Community Studies, about the history and politics of American public school lunches for its popular podcast, transcribing highlights on its website as well. The Good Men Project republished an op-ed from earlier this year in Aeon that cited her book The Labor of Lunch, in discussing the particular pressure that falls on mothers to uphold the “organic child” ideal.
Sarmadi discusses the filtration of neck gaiters against COVID
Dr. Majid Sarmadi, the Rothermel Bascom Professor of Design Studies, was featured in UW’s COVID Questions series regarding whether neck gaiters provided any protective filtration benefit against COVID-19.
Video: Whelan on finding purpose in retirement with Jean Chatzky
Dr. Christine Whelan, Director of Money, Relationships and Equality (MORE) Initiative and Clinical Professor of Consumer Science, joined Jean Chatzky for a Facebook Live discussion, sponsored by the Alliance for Lifetime Income, on finding purpose in retirement. More than 2,000 people tuned in for the conversation, submitting more than 140 comments during the participation segment.