Washington Post Op-Ed: Material Culture & Tariffs| YouTube Children’s Videos | Golf Outing Raises $25K
Dr. Sarah Anne Carter; Avocados, Tins, and Tariffs Discussion

Dr. Sarah Anne Carter’s recent Washington Post piece uses material culture to relate to today’s US tariff debates. She explores the 1892 presidential campaign when Grover Cleveland used tin cards to protest the McKinley’s 1890 tariff. Carter is new to SoHE, serving as the Visiting Executive Director for the Center for Design and Material Culture as well as teaching material culture.
Dr. Kirkorian Looks at Quality of Children’s Videos on YouTube

Dr. Heather Kirkorian weighed in on a recent Bloomberg column discussing YouTube’s attempt to channel more “quality” children’s videos to the platform. “I wouldn’t consider them educational. I would consider them wholesome,” she said. “The term ‘educational’ is used as an umbrella for ‘non-harmful.’”
SoHE Golf Scramble Supports Student Internships

The 3rd Annual SoHE Golf Scramble took place on Monday at Maple Bluff Country Club. Attended by school donors, supporters, and friends, the event raised $25,000 for student internships. The real-world experience internships provide for students has grown as a priority for the school, resulting in career-ready curriculum for all SoHE majors.